TSM without group coaching or working directly with Sherrie.
personal journey with God
This is your opportunity to become a Seeker without group coaching or working directly with Sherrie.
With this new program, you will have an opportunity to personally take a weight loss journey with God and
become a Seeker and lose the weight on your own, at your pace/timing.
You can even lead and start YOUR OWN support group with
The Seeker's Method
Personal journey with God!
How does it work? How do you lose weight in this program?
What happens in TSM (as I call it)?
TSM is Weight loss, SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY.
(This is a detailed description because I really want to give you the insight you might be seeking.)
TSM is a Phased approach to weight loss that provides a way for you to SLOWLY lose weight as you gain spiritual, emotional and physical strength.
What you get in The Personal Journey version of TSM:
A daily message from me (via email).
This isn’t just ANY email.
This email is how I help you to start stepping into weight loss as a triune being.
I teach you what God‘s Word says about how to approach life spirit led, where you work with God to renew your mind, which is in your soul, and then I teach you how to discipline your body.
On a daily basis, I help you to stop being mastered by your flesh.
These daily emails are the way that I drip your transformation to you slowly.
The emails have a direct link to the location where I am hosting the seekers method.
It’s an online platform called teachable.
I pay annually to rent virtual space on teachable.
Here’s what the daily emails cover…
•(Soul work)•
I TEACH you mind renewal.
<There is an optional journal you can get that has daily Christian life coaching questions to help you to undo the patterns of thought that have kept you stuck in weight loss. This is where mind renewal takes place. This is how this program becomes profoundly personal.>
•(Spiritual work)•
I SHOW you how to trust a spiritual God for physical needs.
I show you the spiritual disciplines to begin implementing daily.
•(Body work)•
•I help you to pick the right meal plan for your age and stage of life.
•I help you to identify the physical disciplines that are going to be essential to your daily success.
•I guide you through the process of what You need to do on a weekly basis in order to plan and prep for your weight loss success with your food choices.
•Weekly I do a Sunday Seeker Sesh.
(Christian Coaching session)
•This is where I become your guide.
•Your teacher.
•Your encourager.
•I help you to understand where you are on the map to your success.
•I review what happened last week, what you should have learned, and where you’re going next week, and what you need to be successful.
•I lead you through a phased approach to weight loss.
•I show you the way through the difficulty by helping you to slowly step away from the wrong foods, as you slowly get stronger and step closer to the right foods.
During this program, You have direct access to me the entire time.
Every day you have an opportunity to make comments, and to ask questions.
Your comments and questions come right to my cell phone.
My full-time career, is answering your questions.
•Helping you to see what you can’t see.
•Helping you to push through the difficult days, and to celebrate your success!
Many women have told me that what they like most about doing this personal journey version of the Seekers Method, is that they really feel like they have a Christian life coach in their pocket.
Do women really lose weight on the seekers method?
Yes! So much weight. 25-90lbs!!
Is the Seeker's Method easier than other programs?
Well, it’s easier in the sense that I show you how to become spirit led.
I show you how to walk in your spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.
So in that sense, it becomes easier because I show you how to become stronger.
But it’s still hard because you have to do the work of crucifying your flesh.
You have to do the work of renewing your mind.
And these are the things that have kept you from being able to lose weight thus far.
The difference once you are in the Seeker's Method, is I’m showing you the way through your weight loss wilderness.
The program is laid out as a progressive map from where you are, to where you can be, if you will trust the process.
You have to be willing.
This program isn’t easier.
But it is simple.
It is powerful.
It is different because you are led by a certified Christian life coach for weight loss.
God equipped me and prepared me through all of the trials and difficulties of weight loss.
He’s positioned me for the last 7 years to lead women in the area of
weight loss.
And He has called me to stay here to show you the way through the obstacles, fears, discouragement, weaknesses, temptations, FOMO and disappointments.
I help you to be led by the Holy Spirit, instead of being led by your physical senses.
This process takes time to learn.
In the seekers method, you have all of the tools that you need. Tools such as the spiritual thought model.
Tools, such as how to recover after a slip up.
(And so much more. As you can tell, I could talk for days about this…)
Not only do you have all of the tools that you need, but what unique about this program is, you also have a guide.
I become the missing link.
I become YOUR Christian life coach.
My heart’s desire is to help you to step into becoming who you are meant to be.
My full-time assignment, the call on my life, is to be in the deep Waters, helping my clients to find their way through, so they can step into victory.
This program begins THE DAY you decide to enroll.
Immediately you are given access to the INTRO details so you can prepare for your success.
Then, day 1 starts IMMEDIATELY the next day.
Scroll down to get started today.
(This version of TSM does not include LIVE Sunday Seeker Sessions, or group coaching via the private Facebook community. It does, however, include access to Sherrie via the comments section and there are Seeker Sessions every week in this program.)
Your Instructor
Sherrie is a Certified Christian Life Coach for weight loss. She overcame weight loss resistance, anxiety, overwhelm, over eating, over drinking and stepped into the fullness of who she is IN CHRIST as she wrote The Seeker's Method.
She has written this Christian weight loss program to ENABLE & EMPOWER women to stop the struggle of restoring their health so they can make weight loss possible. She found a way to manage her emotions and her thinking, in a way that keeps her happy and slim with great ease, even into her 50's.
After years of searching for the right program that would unveil the path to true joy, Spirituality and weight loss, she heard Gods call on her life TO CREATE the program HERSELF.
It was in this revelation that her Life Coaching Practice took off and “The Seekers Method” was born. This unique weight loss program launched in 2019. Follow her on Facebook/Instagram, YouTube, and/or Pinterest @CoachKapala.
Be sure to follow her Podcast, "Christian Life Coaching for weight loss with Sherrie Kapala" wherever you listen to podcasts.
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome and INTRO (6:38)
StartWhat to expect
StartPodcast Link: Follow now for ongoing weight loss mindset encouragement.
StartThe mind renewal work...
StartHow this ALL works. (Sunday Seeker Session details; how to ask me questions and how this is AUTO delivered to your email.)
StartHigh level overview of TSM:
StartKick off Sunday Seeker Session (58:38)
StartMeal plan recommendations
StartHow much to eat?
StartTYPE II Diabetic information